The average house price on CRAGG HILL is £342,219
The most expensive house in the street is 24 CRAGG HILL with an estimated value of £468,073
The cheapest house in the street is 34 CRAGG HILL with an estimated value of £230,694
The house which was most recently sold was 34 CRAGG HILL, this sold on 21 Dec 2009 for £132,500
The postcode for CRAGG HILL is LS18 4NU
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
24 CRAGG HILL Detached £468,073 £83,000 18 Jun 1996
30 CRAGG HILL Terraced £356,964 £80,000 14 May 1999
34 CRAGG HILL Terraced £230,694 £132,500 21 Dec 2009
36 CRAGG HILL Terraced £313,145 £179,000 30 Jun 2006